Friday, July 23, 2010

On the Bright Side

Isn't it a funny thing. I don't really want to learn any language that a majority of some place actually knows, but one that was invented around 1930-1950 and that only really appears in a series of books written by J.R.R. Tolkien and an epic movie series directed by Peter Jackson. Yes I am talking about Middle Earth and yes I am talking about the language of the elves. Elvish.
If anyone was interested, that is an example of Sindarin Mode. I think anyway. It's to do with the vowels I have learnt from a very brilliant site. To study Tengwar. And in case anyone was wondering, Elvish is not as easy as it looks. If you think it's simple, you know, learning an alphabet and then writing it, you are COMPLETELY wrong. It's complicated and it's not just single letters. One character could mean three letters together, or three different letters. The dots and dashes you can see above are the marks of the vowels. You can tell it's Sindarin they appear after the constanants.

Actually, scratch that. it might be Quenya.

Honestly, I really have no idea what I'm going on about. Please pay no attention to me.

Now lets get to the point of today's morning post and say:
Today I am going to On the Bright Side. for all of you who don't it is a festival based in Perth, Western Australia. And guess who's going to be there?


Thought you might like to know.

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