Well, since then I have watched an episode of Angel, showered, dressed, fed the cats, cleaned up their pee, drank some coffee, put the washing out, turned the washing machine on, downloaded a Matrix screen saver, opened the blinds, brushed my teeth and I won't go on...by the way that was not in order, I was sort of just writing as I remembered, which is a little sad since they only happened between 8.30am and now. Sad little hobbit. Sad indeed.
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Of course you do.
Of course you do.

Oh, and I want harm you if you don't understand the reference to this photo. It is Supernatural after all. Which remands me I have to ask Bridgette for season 5...
I was telling Bridgette yesterday (Friday the 13th, still haven't changed the stupid time yet...) about how I feel different. I act different, I dress different and I definitely feel different. And I need something to make this change feel right. So, I want to paint my bedroom. It seems rather silly, I know. Like it's not going to change anything, but I want to. I want to define me. These few months I have felt lost, incomplete, like I'm hovering and I can't find the ground. It's as though I'm stumbling forever, never balancing, never finding my way.
I have chosen green. As Bridgette described it, a nice hobbit green. Something like this.
Now, to wait for the dear father to return, and beg him to paint my walls...
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