Oh, and another interesting fact. Adam Baldwin (not related to any of the Baldwin brothers, though probably just as famous) stars in Full Metal Jacket, an interesting take on Vietnam, made in 1987 I also discovered yesterday. Well the funny thing is that Adam Baldwin also stars in Joss Whedon's Firefly a slight obsession of Miss Brown and I and well, this song popped into my head: Click here.
I'm writing again. I know I've said that loads of times but I actually kind of am. I wrote a few pages the other day for an old idea of mine. I can't remember if I've discussed it before? Well, it's similar in the ways of a magical school to Harry Potter, I do know that. But since it's near impossible to get an original idea these days, you'll have to forgive me. Anyway it's different. I'm trying to base it on different aspects of magic, similar to that on Buffy. Complicated spells and circles of blood, that sort of thing.
Well not exactly, but whatever...
I'm trying to become inspired by art as well. I have a How to Draw Fantasy Landscapes and Cityscapes book which I've had for forever. It's very handy, even though I'm crap at art.

Stupid google images. There was Harry Potter, Twilight and True Blood. But nothing that I wanted at this very second. Anyway, if I wanted to include some period scene involving vampires or a similar creature to vampires, this would be how I would imagine it. The light is perfect. One thing I hate about my art is I just can't do light. It just doesn't work. I get lucky in photography and film sometimes but ugh! It's very annoying.
Oh, and I never new this was book. That's extremely odd as well. Thought I'd point that out.

It actually reminds me that of late, I and Bridgette have not had a movie night recently. Did I tell you my current life ambition is to become a successful film maker? No, well okay.
Sorry for the lack of philosophy thinking of late. I just haven't been in the mood. But I do love art. As in, actually love it. And whoever captured this is just pure genius.
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