Thursday, July 29, 2010


Enlightened by many things today



J.K. Rowling



Although, in the case of school work, I am a non succeeding failure because I flunked one maths test. I got told that there are rules in this house and I am to follow them. I will graduate high school with flying colours and I will get a place at university. I will? Will I? I don't even know
if I want to. I read on a card my English teacher handed to me today and apparently I am part of the Gifted and Talented Program. How can I be part of this program if I don't necessarily feel gifted and talented. What does that even mean?

I've been told my entire life that I am smart and gifted and great and blah blah blah. But I really don't think I am. My mother tells me I will be top of the class. What if I don't want to be. I really don't think my fate rests on me being the top of maths class, surely. It can't, that's pretty darn impossible.

Irony is a nifty thing. Thinking that this year is going rather great has jinxed the eventual outcome. Something terrible is going to happen. I can feel it. I'm going mad. I can hear things in my head. I can sense something is coming. It's not a maths test, I'm sure of that. And it's not Judgement Day, not yet.

It's fate. I'm never going to escape. I'm stuck here. Forever.

I'm stuck in my head.

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